BE (First/Second) Semester Exam
(Common to all Branches)
Time: 3 hrs
Maximum Marks: 100
Minimum Marks: 35
Note: Attempt FIVE questions, selecting ONE questions from each unit. Suitably assume any missing data. All questions carry equal marks.
1. a) Explain the stress-strain diagrams of mild steel and cast iron with neat sketches. 10 marks
Ans: Refer Page 17 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India
1. b) Write short notes on the following: (i) Grey cast iron (ii) Alloy steels 10 marks
Ans: Refer Page 3 and 4 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India
1. b) Write short notes on the following: (i) Grey cast iron (ii) Alloy steels 10 marks
Ans: Refer Page 3 and 4 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India
2. (a) Explain the following briefly: (i) Hardness (ii) Ductility (iii) Fatigue strength (iv) Tensile strength 10 marks
Ans: Refer Page 12 and 13 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India
2. (b) Discuss the effect of the following alloying elements in steel. (i) Chromium (ii) Nickel (iii) Tungesten (iv) Sulphur 10 marks
2. (b) Discuss the effect of the following alloying elements in steel. (i) Chromium (ii) Nickel (iii) Tungesten (iv) Sulphur 10 marks
Ans: Refer Page 5 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India:
3.(a) Write short notes on the following: (i) Errors of measurement (ii) Uncertainity analysis 10 marks
Ans: Refer Page 71-73 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India
3.(b) Explain the construction, working and uses of a micrometer. 10 marks
Ans: Refer Page 82-83 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India
3.(b) Explain the construction, working and uses of a micrometer. 10 marks
Ans: Refer Page 82-83 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India
4. (a) Write short notes on the following: (i) Surface Plate (ii) Sine Bar 10 marks
Ans: Refer Page 86-87 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India
4. (b) Explain the construction and working principle of a lathe machine with neat sketch. 10 marks
4. (b) Explain the construction and working principle of a lathe machine with neat sketch. 10 marks
Ans: Refer Page 94 and 96 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India
5. (a) State and explain Bernoulli's equation for incompressible fluids. 10 marks
Ans: Refer Page 124-125 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India
5. (b) Write short notes on the following: (i) Viscous flow (ii) Turbulent flow 10 marks
5. (b) Write short notes on the following: (i) Viscous flow (ii) Turbulent flow 10 marks
Ans: Refer Page 132-133 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India
6. (a) Explain the working principle of a fluid coupling. 10 marks
Ans: Refer Page 139 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India
6. (b) How pumps ar classified? Explain. 10 marks
6. (b) How pumps ar classified? Explain. 10 marks
Ans: Refer Page 141 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India
7. (a) State and explain second law of thermodynamics. 10 marks
Ans: Refer Page 172-173 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India
7. (b) What is boiler draught? Derive an expression for chimney height. 10 marks
7. (b) What is boiler draught? Derive an expression for chimney height. 10 marks
Ans: Refer Page 238-241 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India
8. Explain the following: (i) COP (ii) Boiler efficiency (iii) Natural draught (iv) Entropy 5 marks each
Ans: Refer Page (i) 265 (ii) 229 (iii) 238 (iv) 192 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India
Unit -V
9. (a) Explain Carnot cycle and derive an expression for efficiency of Carnot cycle. 10 marks
Ans: Refer Page 300-301 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India
9. (b) What is an indicator diagram? Explain hypothetical and actual indicator diagram of a steam engine. 10 marks
9. (b) What is an indicator diagram? Explain hypothetical and actual indicator diagram of a steam engine. 10 marks
Ans: Refer Page 278-279 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India
10. (a) An air standard Otto cycle is designed to operating following data:
Maximum cycle pressure and temperature : 5 MPa and 2250 K
Minimum cycle pressure and temperature : 0.1 MPa and 300 K
Determine the net work output per unit mass of working fluid and the thermal efficiency. 10 marks
Ans: [508.8 kJ/kg; 53.18%]
Also Refer Page 325 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India
10. (b) Explain Diesel cycle and derive an expression for efficiency of Diesel cycle. 10 marks
Ans: Refer Page 313-315 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India