B.Tech. (First/Second) Semester Examination November 2019
Based Grading System (CBGS)
Time: 3 hrs
Maximum Marks: 70
Minimum Marks: 22
Note: (i) Attempt any five questions. किन्ही
पांच प्रश्नो को हल कीजिये।
(ii) All questions carry equal marks. सभी
प्रश्नो के सामान अंक हैं।
(iii) In case of any doubt or dispute the English version question
should be treated as final. किसी
भी प्रकार के संदेह अथवा विवाद की स्थिति में अंग्रेजी संस्करण के प्रश्न को अंतिम
माना जायेगा।
1. (a) Discuss basic classification of Engineering materials. इंजीनियरिंग
सामग्री का बुनियादी वर्गीकरण कीजिये। 7 marks
Ans: Refer article 1.1 Page 1 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India
1. (b) What is Hardness. How do you measure it? कठोरता
क्या है। आप इसे कैसे मापेंगे? 7 marks
Ans: Refer article 2.1 pages 12 and article 3.3 pages 30 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India
2. (a) Explain the principle of working of micrometer. माइक्रोमीटर के कार्यप्रणाली को समझाइए। 7 marks
Refer Page article 5.3 pages 82 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India
2. (b) Explain a process of velocity measurement of a fluid. एक तरल पदार्थ के वेग माप
की एक प्रक्रिया की व्याख्या कीजिये। 7 marks
Refer Page article 4.3 pages 53 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India
3. What arc main parts of Lathe? Describe four operation which
can be performed in lathe. खराद के मुख्य भाग कौन से हैं? चार ऑपरेशन का वर्णन करें जो खराद में किया जा सकता है। 14 marks
Ans: Refer article 6.1 pages 94 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India----------------------------------------------
4. (a) Differentiate
between Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids. न्यूटोनियन और गैर-न्यूटोनियन तरल के बीच अंतर
कीजिये। 7 marks
4. (b) Describe
the working of Pelton turbine. पेल्टन
टरबाइन के कार्यप्रणाली का वर्णन कीजिये। 7 marks
Ans: Refer article 8.4 page 150 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India
5. (a) State
Zeroth law of thermodynamics. ऊष्मप्रवैगिकी
का ज़ेरोथ नियम लिखिए। 7 marks
Ans: The zeroth law of thermodynamics states that if two thermodynamic systems are each in thermal equilibrium with a third one, then they are in thermal equilibrium with each other. Accordingly, thermal equilibrium between systems is a transitive relation.
5. (b) Determine
the work done in compressing 1 kg of air from a volume of 0.15 m3 at
a pressure of 1 bar to a volume of 0.05 m3 when the compression is (i)
isothermal (ii) adiabatic.
१ किलो हवा जिसकी मात्रा ०.१५ m3 और १ बार का दबाव है को यदि (i) आइसोथर्मल
(ii) एडियाबेटिक
तरीके से संपीड़न कर ०.०५ m3 में
सिमित कर दिया गया है तो कार्य की गणना कीजिये। 7 marks
6. (a) Differentiate
between natural and artificial draught. प्राकृतिक
और कृत्रिम ड्राफ्ट के बीच अंतर कीजिये। 7 marks
Ans: Refer article 11.3 page 238 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India
6. (b) What
are requirements of a good boiler? एक
अच्छे बॉयलर की क्या आवश्यकताएं हैं? 7 marks
Ans: A good boiler must possess the following qualities:
1. The boiler should be capable to generate steam at the required pressure and quantity as quickly as possible with minimum fuel
2. The initial cost, installation cost and the maintenance cost should be as low as possible.
3. The boiler should be light in weight, and should occupy small floor area.
4. The boiler must be able to meet the fluctuating demands without pressure fluctuations.
5. All the parts of the boiler should be easily approachable for cleaning and inspection.
6. The boiler should have a minimum of joints to avoid leaks which may occur due to expansion and contraction.
7. The boiler should be erected at site within a reasonable time and with minimum labour.
8. The water and flue gas velocities should be high for high heat transfer rates with minimum pressure drop through the system.
9. There should be no deposition of mud and foreign materials on the inside surface and soot deposition on the outer surface of the
heat transferring parts.
10. The boiler should conform to the safety regulations as laid down in the Boiler Act.
7. Derive
the expression for thermal efficiency of Otto cycle. Calculate the value for a
compression ratio of 8. ओटो चक्र की तापीय क्षमता के लिए अभिव्यक्ति
व्युत्पन्न कीजिये। 8 के संपीड़न अनुपात के
लिए क्षमता की गणना कीजिये। 14 marks Ans: Refer article 14.5 page 306 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India ----------------------------------------------
8. Write short notes on any two: किन्ही दो पर संछिप्त टिप्पणी कीजिये: 14 marks
(a) Stress-strain diagram of ductile material
तन्य सामग्री का स्ट्रेस-स्ट्रेन
Ans: Refer article 2.5 Page 17 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India.
(b) Use of Vernier Calliper वर्नियर कैलिपर का उपयोग
Ans: Refer article 5.2 Page 79 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India.
(c) Boiler mountings बॉयलर माउंटिंग
Ans: Refer article 11.7 Page 226 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India.
(d) Working of 2 stroke engine 2-स्ट्रोक इंजन का कार्यप्रणाली
Ans: Refer article 15.5 Page 331 of BME - Basant Agrawal, Wiley India.